You said:
Reason I would like you to build me a basic Godot project with the following properties:
- A player character is seen from above, classic fallout 1+2 style.
- A humanoid model with basic animations (sourced elsewhere) is loaded from disk, as well as the model of a tree and a terrain map
- Also, a map file is loaded, holding the location of many of trees around the player.
- Pressing a or d rotates the camera around the player
- Moving the mouse and right-clicking moves the player relative to the cursor, i.e. holding the mouse to the right of the player and right clicking makes the player run to the right
- The player cannot run into trees
- If the cursor is far from the player as the right mouse button is held down they will run
- If the cursor is near to the player as the right mouse button is held down they will walk
- The player displays the requisite animations at all times, including an idle animation.
Organizing the scene
Below is an example of how you might assemble a minimal Godot 4 project to achieve the features you requested:
1. Project Structure
A typical directory layout could look like this:
├── project.godot
├── Assets/
│ ├── Character/ # Folder with your humanoid model + animations
│ │ ├── humanoid_mesh.tres
│ │ ├── idle.anim
│ │ ├── walk.anim
│ │ ├── run.anim
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Tree/
│ │ ├── Tree.tscn # Scene for your tree
│ │ └── tree_mesh.tres
│ ├── Terrain/
│ │ ├── Terrain.tscn # Scene for your terrain (and collider)
│ │ └── terrain_mesh.tres
│ └── map_data.txt # File that lists tree positions
├── Main.tscn # Main scene that brings everything together
├── Player.tscn # The player’s main scene
└── # Player script (attached to Player.tscn)
You can name the folders whatever you like, of course. The important point is having a clear place for each asset and scene.
2. Setting Up the Terrain
Create Terrain Scene
In Godot, create a new 3D scene (Node3D as the root) and name it Terrain.
Add a MeshInstance3D as a child. Load your terrain mesh into it.
Add a CollisionShape3D (or StaticBody3D + CollisionShape3D) so the player can’t walk through the ground.
Save it as Terrain.tscn.
Your terrain might look something like this:
Terrain.tscn (root is Node3D)
└── StaticBody3D
├── MeshInstance3D (terrain_mesh)
└── CollisionShape3D (matching the terrain shape)
3. Setting Up the Tree Scene
Create Tree Scene
Similarly, create a new 3D scene called Tree.tscn.
Make the root a StaticBody3D.
Add a MeshInstance3D with your tree mesh.
Add a CollisionShape3D that fits the trunk (so the player can’t run through).
Save as Tree.tscn.
Tree.tscn (root is StaticBody3D)
├── MeshInstance3D (tree_mesh)
└── CollisionShape3D (capsule or box shape around trunk)
4. Player Scene
Create Player Scene
Create a new 3D scene called Player.tscn.
Make the root a CharacterBody3D (so we can use move_and_slide() or Godot 4’s move_and_collide(), etc.).
Add a child AnimatedMeshInstance3D (or Skeleton3D + MeshInstance3D) that holds your humanoid mesh and skeleton.
Add an AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree (in Godot 4, an AnimationTree is often used with a State Machine node to handle idle/walk/run transitions).
Add a CollisionShape3D for the player’s body capsule (so they don’t pass through trees).
Example player scene structure:
Player.tscn (root is CharacterBody3D)
├── CollisionShape3D (capsule shape around the player)
├── Skeleton3D
│ └── MeshInstance3D (your humanoid mesh)
└── AnimationTree (with a StateMachine to handle Idle, Walk, Run)
Set Up Animations
In the AnimationTree, create a State Machine node with states Idle, Walk, and Run, each referencing your .anim or .blend animations.
Be sure to activate the AnimationTree by checking Active in the Inspector, then create a parameter of type AnimationNodeStateMachine to control it in code.
Attach a Script
Attach a script to Player.tscn (for example,
Below is an example in GDScript that handles:
Rotation with A/D.
Right-click to set a target position based on the mouse’s world ray.
Distinguishing walk vs run based on distance to the target.
Playing correct animations.
extends CharacterBody3D
# -- Adjustable speeds
@export var walk_speed := 3.0
@export var run_speed := 6.0
# -- Threshold distance for switching from walk to run:
@export var run_distance_threshold := 5.0
var target_position: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO
# We'll hold the AnimationTree StateMachine playback for convenience
onready var anim_tree: AnimationTree = $AnimationTree
var anim_state: AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback
func _ready():
# Grab the State Machine playback
anim_state = anim_tree.get_state_machine_playback()
# Optionally set the initial animation"Idle")
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# -----------------------------------------
# 1. Camera Orbit with A or D
# (Make sure you set Input Map "rotate_left" = A, "rotate_right" = D)
# -----------------------------------------
if Input.is_action_pressed("rotate_left"):
rotate_y(-1.5 * delta) # adjust speed as desired
if Input.is_action_pressed("rotate_right"):
rotate_y(1.5 * delta)
# -----------------------------------------
# 2. Move the Player toward target_position
# -----------------------------------------
var current_pos = global_transform.origin
var move_direction = target_position - current_pos
move_direction.y = 0 # ignore vertical difference for top-down movement
var distance_to_target = move_direction.length()
var velocity = Vector3.ZERO
if distance_to_target > 0.1:
# If not close to the target, move in that direction
move_direction = move_direction.normalized()
# Turn to face movement direction
look_at(current_pos + move_direction, Vector3.UP)
# Decide whether to walk or run
if distance_to_target > run_distance_threshold:
# Run
velocity = move_direction * run_speed"Run")
# Walk
velocity = move_direction * walk_speed"Walk")
# We are essentially at the target"Idle")
# -----------------------------------------
# 3. Apply movement using CharacterBody
# This automatically checks collisions with trees, terrain, etc.
# -----------------------------------------
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector3.UP)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# -----------------------------------------
# Right-click sets a new target_position
# We'll do a raycast from the camera into the 3D world
# to figure out where the user clicked on the terrain.
# -----------------------------------------
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == MouseButton.RIGHT and event.pressed:
var camera := get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
if camera:
var from = camera.project_ray_origin(event.position)
var dir = camera.project_ray_normal(event.position)
var space_state = get_world_3d().direct_space_state
var result = space_state.intersect_ray(
from + dir * 1000.0,
[], # exclude array if you want to ignore certain colliders
collision_mask = 1 # adjust if needed
if result.size() > 0:
# For example, if you want to ensure the user only sets a target on the terrain:
# if result["collider"] is StaticBody3D: # or check name
target_position = result["position"]
In _input, we do a raycast from the camera to find where on the terrain the player clicked, storing that in target_position.
In _physics_process, we compute movement direction, handle rotation to face the direction, then animate accordingly.
5. Main Scene
Finally, create a scene that brings everything together:
Create Main.tscn
Make the root a simple Node3D or Node (depending on your preference).
Add (or instance) a Camera3D as a child. Position it above the player’s starting area for a top-down or angled top-down look.
Instance the Terrain.tscn.
Instance the Player.tscn and place the player at some spawn point.
Load your map_data.txt file to determine where to place the trees.
Example map_data.txt
# x, y, z for each tree
10, 0, 10
15, 0, 5
-5, 0, 20
Example script on Main (attached to Main.tscn’s root)
extends Node3D
func _ready():
# 1. Instance the terrain
var terrain_scene = preload("res://Assets/Terrain/Terrain.tscn")
var terrain = terrain_scene.instantiate()
# 2. Instance the player
var player_scene = preload("res://Player.tscn")
var player = player_scene.instantiate()
# place the player at some starting point
player.global_transform.origin = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# 3. Load tree positions from map file
var tree_scene = preload("res://Assets/Tree/Tree.tscn")
var file_path = "res://Assets/map_data.txt"
var file =, FileAccess.READ)
if file:
while file.get_position() < file.get_length():
var line = file.get_line().strip_edges()
if line == "" or line.begins_with("#"):
continue # skip empty lines or comments
var coords = line.split(",")
if coords.size() == 3:
var x = coords[0].to_float()
var y = coords[1].to_float()
var z = coords[2].to_float()
# Instance a tree and place it
var tree = tree_scene.instantiate()
tree.global_transform.origin = Vector3(x, y, z)
Now you have:
A terrain loaded as StaticBody3D so the player can collide with it.
A player CharacterBody3D that’s controlled by keyboard for camera rotation (A/D) and by right-click to set movement targets.
A bunch of trees, each StaticBody3D with collision, placed according to your map file, preventing the player from running through them.
6. Input Map Settings
Open Project > Project Settings > Input Map and create these actions (if they don’t already exist):
rotate_left → Key: A
rotate_right → Key: D
(Optionally) set up any other controls you might need.
7. Tuning and Polishing
If you want a top-down camera that rotates around the player, you can add a Camera3D as a separate node, then script it to orbit the player in _physics_process(). Another approach is to simply rotate the player, and keep the camera stationary above, but that depends on your desired look.
Make sure your AnimationTree states ("Idle", "Walk", "Run") match exactly the states you call in code.
Ensure your run/walk speeds match your run/walk animations so it looks natural.
Make sure the collision layers and masks for the Player, Terrain, and Trees allow collision. Typically, Player is on “player” layer, Trees/Terrain on “environment” layer, with appropriate collision masks so they detect each other.
Distance Threshold
Adjust run_distance_threshold to any distance that feels right for switching from walking to running.
Walk vs. Run
The example logic is: if the distance to target is > run_distance_threshold, run; else walk. You can refine that (e.g., measure how far the mouse is from the player on the ground plane at the moment of the click).
8. Summary
With these steps, you’ll have:
Top-down 3D perspective with a humanoid model.
Camera rotation on A/D (by rotating the player or the camera).
Right-click movement: the player runs/walks toward the clicked point on the terrain, speed depending on how far the cursor is from the player.
Collision with trees: the player can’t pass through them.
Basic animations: idle, walk, run, automatically played depending on movement state.
This is a simple foundation; from here, you can add:
Better camera orbit (with smoothing, middle mouse drag, etc.).
More robust navigation (using a NavigationMesh or pathfinding).
More sophisticated animation blending or transitions in the AnimationTree.
Additional obstacles, environment objects, or user interface.
Good luck with your classic Fallout-style top-down project! If you run into quirks—particularly with collisions or animation transitions—double-check your nodes’ collision layers, AnimationTree parameter names, and that you’re using the correct Godot 4 methods (project_ray_origin, etc.).
You said:
Reason Alright, now I want you to take this to the next level. I want you to add the backbone implementation for what will become the Networking implementation for this game.
Add in a TCP-based packet library which uses a format based on the Ultima Online packet format, that is to say:
[packet header (two bytes)][packet length(eight bytes)][packet contents as determined by the packet data structure]
The library should handle the following basic functionality:
- Logging in to the game with a username and password
- Handling a rejected username and password
- Handling an accepted username and password by logging the player in to the game at their last location (given by the server as part of a status update packet)
- Updating the server on about the player's movements in the appropriate part of the game loop
- Accepting new information from the server about the state of other players/NPCs, their movements, or incoming speech packets.
Edit the UI as appropriate to complete this task.
The server implementation will be handled elsewhere, just assume it exists. Write a client library for the game to use, and then use that.
- A player character is seen from above, classic fallout 1+2 style.
- A humanoid model with basic animations (sourced elsewhere) is loaded from disk, as well as the model of a tree and a terrain map
- Also, a map file is loaded, holding the location of many of trees around the player.
- Pressing a or d rotates the camera around the player
- Moving the mouse and right-clicking moves the player relative to the cursor, i.e. holding the mouse to the right of the player and right clicking makes the player run to the right
- The player cannot run into trees
- If the cursor is far from the player as the right mouse button is held down they will run
- If the cursor is near to the player as the right mouse button is held down they will walk
- The player displays the requisite animations at all times, including an idle animation.
Organizing the scene
Below is an example of how you might assemble a minimal Godot 4 project to achieve the features you requested:
1. Project Structure
A typical directory layout could look like this:
├── project.godot
├── Assets/
│ ├── Character/ # Folder with your humanoid model + animations
│ │ ├── humanoid_mesh.tres
│ │ ├── idle.anim
│ │ ├── walk.anim
│ │ ├── run.anim
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Tree/
│ │ ├── Tree.tscn # Scene for your tree
│ │ └── tree_mesh.tres
│ ├── Terrain/
│ │ ├── Terrain.tscn # Scene for your terrain (and collider)
│ │ └── terrain_mesh.tres
│ └── map_data.txt # File that lists tree positions
├── Main.tscn # Main scene that brings everything together
├── Player.tscn # The player’s main scene
└── # Player script (attached to Player.tscn)
You can name the folders whatever you like, of course. The important point is having a clear place for each asset and scene.
2. Setting Up the Terrain
Create Terrain Scene
In Godot, create a new 3D scene (Node3D as the root) and name it Terrain.
Add a MeshInstance3D as a child. Load your terrain mesh into it.
Add a CollisionShape3D (or StaticBody3D + CollisionShape3D) so the player can’t walk through the ground.
Save it as Terrain.tscn.
Your terrain might look something like this:
Terrain.tscn (root is Node3D)
└── StaticBody3D
├── MeshInstance3D (terrain_mesh)
└── CollisionShape3D (matching the terrain shape)
3. Setting Up the Tree Scene
Create Tree Scene
Similarly, create a new 3D scene called Tree.tscn.
Make the root a StaticBody3D.
Add a MeshInstance3D with your tree mesh.
Add a CollisionShape3D that fits the trunk (so the player can’t run through).
Save as Tree.tscn.
Tree.tscn (root is StaticBody3D)
├── MeshInstance3D (tree_mesh)
└── CollisionShape3D (capsule or box shape around trunk)
4. Player Scene
Create Player Scene
Create a new 3D scene called Player.tscn.
Make the root a CharacterBody3D (so we can use move_and_slide() or Godot 4’s move_and_collide(), etc.).
Add a child AnimatedMeshInstance3D (or Skeleton3D + MeshInstance3D) that holds your humanoid mesh and skeleton.
Add an AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree (in Godot 4, an AnimationTree is often used with a State Machine node to handle idle/walk/run transitions).
Add a CollisionShape3D for the player’s body capsule (so they don’t pass through trees).
Example player scene structure:
Player.tscn (root is CharacterBody3D)
├── CollisionShape3D (capsule shape around the player)
├── Skeleton3D
│ └── MeshInstance3D (your humanoid mesh)
└── AnimationTree (with a StateMachine to handle Idle, Walk, Run)
Set Up Animations
In the AnimationTree, create a State Machine node with states Idle, Walk, and Run, each referencing your .anim or .blend animations.
Be sure to activate the AnimationTree by checking Active in the Inspector, then create a parameter of type AnimationNodeStateMachine to control it in code.
Attach a Script
Attach a script to Player.tscn (for example,
Below is an example in GDScript that handles:
Rotation with A/D.
Right-click to set a target position based on the mouse’s world ray.
Distinguishing walk vs run based on distance to the target.
Playing correct animations.
extends CharacterBody3D
# -- Adjustable speeds
@export var walk_speed := 3.0
@export var run_speed := 6.0
# -- Threshold distance for switching from walk to run:
@export var run_distance_threshold := 5.0
var target_position: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO
# We'll hold the AnimationTree StateMachine playback for convenience
onready var anim_tree: AnimationTree = $AnimationTree
var anim_state: AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback
func _ready():
# Grab the State Machine playback
anim_state = anim_tree.get_state_machine_playback()
# Optionally set the initial animation"Idle")
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# -----------------------------------------
# 1. Camera Orbit with A or D
# (Make sure you set Input Map "rotate_left" = A, "rotate_right" = D)
# -----------------------------------------
if Input.is_action_pressed("rotate_left"):
rotate_y(-1.5 * delta) # adjust speed as desired
if Input.is_action_pressed("rotate_right"):
rotate_y(1.5 * delta)
# -----------------------------------------
# 2. Move the Player toward target_position
# -----------------------------------------
var current_pos = global_transform.origin
var move_direction = target_position - current_pos
move_direction.y = 0 # ignore vertical difference for top-down movement
var distance_to_target = move_direction.length()
var velocity = Vector3.ZERO
if distance_to_target > 0.1:
# If not close to the target, move in that direction
move_direction = move_direction.normalized()
# Turn to face movement direction
look_at(current_pos + move_direction, Vector3.UP)
# Decide whether to walk or run
if distance_to_target > run_distance_threshold:
# Run
velocity = move_direction * run_speed"Run")
# Walk
velocity = move_direction * walk_speed"Walk")
# We are essentially at the target"Idle")
# -----------------------------------------
# 3. Apply movement using CharacterBody
# This automatically checks collisions with trees, terrain, etc.
# -----------------------------------------
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector3.UP)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
# -----------------------------------------
# Right-click sets a new target_position
# We'll do a raycast from the camera into the 3D world
# to figure out where the user clicked on the terrain.
# -----------------------------------------
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == MouseButton.RIGHT and event.pressed:
var camera := get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
if camera:
var from = camera.project_ray_origin(event.position)
var dir = camera.project_ray_normal(event.position)
var space_state = get_world_3d().direct_space_state
var result = space_state.intersect_ray(
from + dir * 1000.0,
[], # exclude array if you want to ignore certain colliders
collision_mask = 1 # adjust if needed
if result.size() > 0:
# For example, if you want to ensure the user only sets a target on the terrain:
# if result["collider"] is StaticBody3D: # or check name
target_position = result["position"]
In _input, we do a raycast from the camera to find where on the terrain the player clicked, storing that in target_position.
In _physics_process, we compute movement direction, handle rotation to face the direction, then animate accordingly.
5. Main Scene
Finally, create a scene that brings everything together:
Create Main.tscn
Make the root a simple Node3D or Node (depending on your preference).
Add (or instance) a Camera3D as a child. Position it above the player’s starting area for a top-down or angled top-down look.
Instance the Terrain.tscn.
Instance the Player.tscn and place the player at some spawn point.
Load your map_data.txt file to determine where to place the trees.
Example map_data.txt
# x, y, z for each tree
10, 0, 10
15, 0, 5
-5, 0, 20
Example script on Main (attached to Main.tscn’s root)
extends Node3D
func _ready():
# 1. Instance the terrain
var terrain_scene = preload("res://Assets/Terrain/Terrain.tscn")
var terrain = terrain_scene.instantiate()
# 2. Instance the player
var player_scene = preload("res://Player.tscn")
var player = player_scene.instantiate()
# place the player at some starting point
player.global_transform.origin = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
# 3. Load tree positions from map file
var tree_scene = preload("res://Assets/Tree/Tree.tscn")
var file_path = "res://Assets/map_data.txt"
var file =, FileAccess.READ)
if file:
while file.get_position() < file.get_length():
var line = file.get_line().strip_edges()
if line == "" or line.begins_with("#"):
continue # skip empty lines or comments
var coords = line.split(",")
if coords.size() == 3:
var x = coords[0].to_float()
var y = coords[1].to_float()
var z = coords[2].to_float()
# Instance a tree and place it
var tree = tree_scene.instantiate()
tree.global_transform.origin = Vector3(x, y, z)
Now you have:
A terrain loaded as StaticBody3D so the player can collide with it.
A player CharacterBody3D that’s controlled by keyboard for camera rotation (A/D) and by right-click to set movement targets.
A bunch of trees, each StaticBody3D with collision, placed according to your map file, preventing the player from running through them.
6. Input Map Settings
Open Project > Project Settings > Input Map and create these actions (if they don’t already exist):
rotate_left → Key: A
rotate_right → Key: D
(Optionally) set up any other controls you might need.
7. Tuning and Polishing
If you want a top-down camera that rotates around the player, you can add a Camera3D as a separate node, then script it to orbit the player in _physics_process(). Another approach is to simply rotate the player, and keep the camera stationary above, but that depends on your desired look.
Make sure your AnimationTree states ("Idle", "Walk", "Run") match exactly the states you call in code.
Ensure your run/walk speeds match your run/walk animations so it looks natural.
Make sure the collision layers and masks for the Player, Terrain, and Trees allow collision. Typically, Player is on “player” layer, Trees/Terrain on “environment” layer, with appropriate collision masks so they detect each other.
Distance Threshold
Adjust run_distance_threshold to any distance that feels right for switching from walking to running.
Walk vs. Run
The example logic is: if the distance to target is > run_distance_threshold, run; else walk. You can refine that (e.g., measure how far the mouse is from the player on the ground plane at the moment of the click).
8. Summary
With these steps, you’ll have:
Top-down 3D perspective with a humanoid model.
Camera rotation on A/D (by rotating the player or the camera).
Right-click movement: the player runs/walks toward the clicked point on the terrain, speed depending on how far the cursor is from the player.
Collision with trees: the player can’t pass through them.
Basic animations: idle, walk, run, automatically played depending on movement state.
This is a simple foundation; from here, you can add:
Better camera orbit (with smoothing, middle mouse drag, etc.).
More robust navigation (using a NavigationMesh or pathfinding).
More sophisticated animation blending or transitions in the AnimationTree.
Additional obstacles, environment objects, or user interface.
Good luck with your classic Fallout-style top-down project! If you run into quirks—particularly with collisions or animation transitions—double-check your nodes’ collision layers, AnimationTree parameter names, and that you’re using the correct Godot 4 methods (project_ray_origin, etc.).
You said:
Reason Alright, now I want you to take this to the next level. I want you to add the backbone implementation for what will become the Networking implementation for this game.
Add in a TCP-based packet library which uses a format based on the Ultima Online packet format, that is to say:
[packet header (two bytes)][packet length(eight bytes)][packet contents as determined by the packet data structure]
The library should handle the following basic functionality:
- Logging in to the game with a username and password
- Handling a rejected username and password
- Handling an accepted username and password by logging the player in to the game at their last location (given by the server as part of a status update packet)
- Updating the server on about the player's movements in the appropriate part of the game loop
- Accepting new information from the server about the state of other players/NPCs, their movements, or incoming speech packets.
Edit the UI as appropriate to complete this task.
The server implementation will be handled elsewhere, just assume it exists. Write a client library for the game to use, and then use that.